25 Ways To Nurture Your Soul

Start to nurture your soul to improve the quality of living. If you are currently starving yourself of love, warmth and all things chocolate, it is time to do things differently. Starving your soul is tantamount to a refusal to say yes to the joy of enjoying rich beauty and abundance around.
By starving your soul of needed nourishment, you end up carrying a negative vibe. It is evident when you are constantly swearing, complaining and being rude to others. Soul starvation makes you bitter, needy, angry and resentful. It is even possible that you feel lonely because friends inadvertently shy away from you.
Conversely, when you nurture your soul, life feels full. You become a lover of life. Every little experience opens you to delight. Rose buds unfolding their miracles. Unicorns riding on rainbows in the sky. Red strawberries coated in fresh cream. And the scent of early morning dew. Invariably, living life with an exuberance puts you in a heightened state of energy consciousness
Being in a joyful state connects you to the creative power of the universe. You operate at a higher level of vibrational frequency which then attracts the same energy airwaves of positive outcomes. Your life is like a song that flows easily, seldom with a note out of tune. In fact, the more you nurture your soul, the more happy you feel.
It’s easy to spot those who love life. Famous folks who comes to mind include Oprah Winfrey, Deepak Chopra or Angelina Jolie. They have got delightful vibrations. They have made a conscious decision to appreciate and enjoy all the abundance that life has to offer. It is easy to tell that they nurture their souls completely. They look for the best in any situation, appreciate the small things in life and have an open heart and door for everyone.
When you are around friends who are lovers of life, you find your spirits being lifted. You may start off with a foul mood but within a few minutes, you are already infected by their positive energy. You laugh, eat and talk more while in their company.
Wait To Start Living?
The obstacle that most of us face is that we tend to think feeding our souls can wait. We starve our souls when we rush through life. It happens when….
– We miss out on the little things in nature that holds much beauty: the scent of flowers, the brilliance of the stars, the morning dew in the tiny rose bud,
– We gulp down your food, never appreciating its taste,
– We have no time for anyone,
– Our minds are always on the future worrying and fretting about the consequences of our actions,
– We get stuck in the past and refusing to move on and also
– We do not give our full attention to the present moment.
We could be in the illusion that satisfying our external needs are far more important than Being in a state of joy right at the present moment. And so, we prefer to spend our time chasing material pursuits and sell out souls to our jobs. We also freely allow negative energy to take over our lives.
Eckhart Tolle in his best-selling book, A New Earth, tells us this: The ‘waiting to start living’ syndrome is one of the most common delusions of the unconscious state. Expansion and positive change on the outer level is much more able to come into your life if you can enjoy what you are doing already, instead of waiting for some change so that you start enjoying what you do.
How to Nurture Your Soul
Dip your cup in the the river of life abundance and savour its sweetness.
Start right away to feed and nurture your soul. There is no need to wait for all your problems to be solved. Do not take for granted the richness of life that is available in each moment. It is in your soul contract to experience life for all there is. Now.
If you are starved in the soul, you may say that you are starved for ideas on how to nurture your soul as well.
Well, here are 25 ways to kickstart the process of savouring the nectar of life:
1. Take walks in nature and notice everything.
2. Engage in creative art eg. create a scrapbook from your favourite photos.
3. Sing in the shower, the car, the bedroom, anywhere!
4. Listen to soothing music.
5. Put on some music and dance.
6. Read a good fictional book.
7. Savor every bite of your meal.
8. Meditate in serene surroundings.
9. Soak in a bubble bath.
10. Go on a relaxing vacation.
11. Bake a cake.
12. Visit a museum or an art gallery.
13. Watch a comedy. Laugh!
14. Write poetry.
15. Do a random act of kindness.
16. Daydream.
17. Play the voilin or any musical instrument.
18. Connect with your romantic partner via an engaging conversation over tea.
19. Connect with your spirit guides.
20. Make peace with the person you just fought with.
21. Volunteer your services to a non-profit organization and not just via a monetary donation. Open your heart chakra!
22. Play with your kids.
23. Journal or write creatively.
24. Say yes to a new adventure!
25. Find every reason to celebrate and feel the joy when you do!
Make A Date With Your Soul
Are you a lover of life? Are you in touch with what brings you happiness and joy, making you content and spiritually fed? If you are, I invite you to share 3 things that you do to nurture your soul.
On the other hand, if you seldom find the time on soul-centered activities, make a date.
Do what lifts your heart, tickles your funny bone, arouses your curosity, and invokes your sense of wonder. Begin to feel more alive, when you begin to savour the joy and beauty that comes from within. Your experience of joy takes place when you are fully in the present moment of doing.
For those who wish to be challenged, Eckhart Tolle even suggests that you make a list of routine tasks, including those that you find boring, tedious or stressful. Just do not include those which you detest and do not like doing. Then, when you are engaged in these activities, be alert. Sense the aliveness of the routine activity. You will find yourself beginning to enjoy yourself and having fun in the process. You’d have shifted to an even higher state of energy consciousness.
“The joy of Being is the joy of being conscious.”
— Eckhart Tolle in A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose
Love and abundance always,
Evelyn Lim
Abundance Alchemy Coach
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