
21 Excuses That Make Up Your Money Story

21 Excuses for Money Story

Is the money story that you have been telling actually a cover-up?

Could the reason that you have been giving for the lack of a financial breakthrough be really an excuse?

Your money story may be a cover that you have created for helping you avoid pain or to playing small. Or it could be that your ego needs to know that it is not diminished in any way. The excuses that you tell is your way out to feeling justified in your behaviour or the results you have been getting.

All of us have, at some point, made excuses. We give excuses to explain our behaviour, current situation or why we have to decline and say “no” to an invitation. We may feel obliged to give an excuse sometimes not to hurt the other party.

But what happens when you give excuses to explain away a choice that you are making, even if it one that keeps you small and does not move you positively forward?

“Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses.” – George Washington Carver

Your Money Story Could be an Excuse

One situation that you could be giving excuses on centers around making money.

It is possible that you have trying your best to convince yourself that the mental story that you have been telling is true. However, the emotional disruptions that you feel regarding your financial situation, are saying otherwise. They gnaw at you even though you try to avoid, ignore or suppress them. What you have been experiencing creates a separation between heart and mind.

“Most people don’t have that willingness to break bad habits. They have a lot of excuses and they talk like victims.” – Carlos Santana

Well, if you are hoping for a financial abundance breakthrough, you will need to shatter the excuses that you have been giving to yourself…or even to the world. You need to decide once and for all, that changing your wealth situation is important to you. To resolve the heart-mind divide is to dive into your cover money story with a great dose of courage and honesty.

21 Excuses That You Give For Your Limiting Money Story

Is your money story causing you to put a lid on your wealth?

Your money story is made up of thoughts. Is it made up of any of the following lines:

1. I don’t want to make more money because I will have to work a lot harder.
2. I just do not have the brains to make more money.
3. My friends are going to ask to borrow money.
4. I don’t want to become a snob.
5. I don’t want my children to be asking me for money.
6. What if I make it and lose it? Then, I will be known as a failure.
7. People may like me more than my money.
8. I may be robbed.
9. I do not like to be known as rich.
10. My stress levels are going to increase and I will suffer in health.
11. I will have to pay at the highest tax bracket.
12. I will be a target for kidnappers.
13. I have to learn about tax, investments, asset protection and so on. I am just not ready to take charge.
14. My parents are right about me being stupid.
15. My partner is going to ask me for more money. I don’t want to pay for his/her extravagant purchases.
16. I have to pay a higher amount in alimony if I get divorced.
17. Why risk it?
18. I do not have time to do more.
19. I am not business-minded enough.
20. I don’t have the right connections.
21. I will lose my friends.

It is okay if you are already contented with having “just enough“.

But what if you are actually feeling bitter, poor and miserable about your current financial situation?

In this case, the reasons that back up your money story could really be excuses.

The problem with repeatedly telling limiting money stories in your mind is that you would be attracting the outer reality that reinforces “lack”.

What is truly the case is that you are emotionally burdened and you are allowing the situation to continue when you can do a lot better without the unnecessary struggle. Not forgetting, the law of attraction also works based on vibrations. Your money story, which is essentially emotionally negative, becomes self-fulfilling.

Is Fear Driving Your Limiting Money Story?

Listen in and find out if fear is driving your money story.

If it is, you have two options.

The first is to continue telling the same money story that keeps you stuck.

The second is to ditch the excuses and change your money story. The trick lies with embedding a new money story at the subconscious with one that is authentic and yet powerfully helps you attract the situation that will alter your reality. If you are interested to find out more, apply for a 30-min call here.

Love and abundance always,

evelyn lim signature

Abundance Mindset Coach

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anks - July 8, 2013 Reply

Everytime I read a post on your blog, you seem to to be talking directly to me!


Evelyn Reply:

Hi there,

It appears that I can read your mind LOL!

Hope that you are finding the articles helpful in creating awareness and transformation 🙂

Love and abundance always,


Harleena Singh - July 9, 2013 Reply

Hi Evelyn,

Couldn’t agree more with what you wrote 🙂

And in most of the cases the Law of Attraction is what gets working – if we think negative – we don’t attract the money either, so remain positive and good things do come your way. Even if you have little, I think you need to learn to be happy with it.

Thanks for sharing. Have a nice week ahead 🙂


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Harleena,

Oh yes, we may give excuses trying to make ourselves feel better but in reality, we are actually feeling inadequate and small. If we would like to manifest a different set of outcome, then we need to start making an internal change.

Abundance always,


dildos Reply:

maybe make this more direct


Sue Neal - July 10, 2013 Reply

Hi Evelyn,

I can certainly relate to a lot of the points you’ve made here – I remember as a teenager thinking it was wrong to want to earn lots of money and ended up going into a career in which I was unlikely to get very rich, partly due to self doubt and fear of wealth.

Very thought-provoking – thank you!



Evelyn Reply:

Hello Sue,

Thank you for sharing your story. Did you manage to find out what triggered you to adopt that thought?

It’s great that you no longer hold the same views anymore!

Love and abundance always,


Kelly - July 10, 2013 Reply

It appears you are reading a lot of minds here! Thanks for a great post. This has certainly given me cause for a pause and reevaluating some of my own personal money fears. Sharing with others who could use a reality check too!


Evelyn Reply:

Hi Kelly,

Thank you for your feedback. Also I appreciate your help very much with sharing the post!

Love and abundance always,


Hiten - July 11, 2013 Reply

Hi Evelyn,

I really appreciated the way you presented the excuses, which can hold us back from wealth through the form of a story. The great thing about stories is that they have a narrative. If our current money story isn’t make like a party, then we can change the narrative to another, more empowering one and use this a framework for further action.

Thank you.


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Hiten,

I laughed at the part where you said “like a party”. Yes, indeed, many of us tell ourselves rather poor stories. The good news is that we can change them!

Love and abundance always,


Kumar Chandan - July 29, 2013 Reply

Hi, Evelyn,
It is human nature to make excuses. You have pointed 21 excuses, correctly. But one thing that I want to mention, Our excuse come from our thinking and Thoughts are some thing what we are in real. Though, good write up. Thank You for the sharing.


Seneca - October 2, 2018 Reply

Hi Evelyn, thank you for writing this up.

To all other readers out there; if you want to learn more about how powerful changing your mindset and thoughts can be, give the book – “Think and Grow Rich” a try. Its chapter on controlling the subconscious mind is very powerful.

Hope you find this useful, good luck!


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