

Hi there!

Are you in the following situations...

  • Experiencing frequent episodes of nervous tension, bad headaches and/or difficulties with sleeping? 
  • Struggling emotionally to be and feel well? 
  • Feeling stressed as your relationship issues are impacting your ability to focus and be productive at work? 
  • Feeling a lack of confidence and having the beliefs "I am not good enough", "I am undeserving" or "I am not lovable"?
  • Can't put yourself confidently out there because you fear rejection or what other people may say?
  • Not able to step up and be the leader that you know you can be?  
  • Find yourself repeatedly attracting the same negative patterns in terms of life experiences?
  •  Need to work on letting go of childhood traumas? 
  • Can’t seem to overcome deep-rooted  beliefs in scarcity, lack and poverty, even though there is a part of you that wants to believe in abundance? 

The biggest issue that many people face is that they do not know how to cope emotionally and feel well mentally. They feel ill equipped to handle the stresses that go on in their lives. And so they go for quick fix solutions such as anti-depressants or alcohol to dull their pain. 

As you probably know, these quick fixes can cause negative side-effects. A small dose may not affect much but if you are constantly feeling anxious and stressed, you are not solving the root cause of your problems. 
Thus, you feel mostly unwell and your energy levels go down. And you pay a price because when you are not at your best, your relationships suffer, productivity levels go down and you are not able to make the income that you want. 

Fortunately, there are natural solutions that can not only help you release anxiety and stress and that can also help you to overcome self-sabotage.  

If you are seeking for a solution on how you can overcome what is in the way for you, congratulations! You have landed on the right site. 

I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Evelyn Lim and a mother to two lovely girls. I specialise in supporting women with emotional healing and transforming mindsets. 

As a Transformation Life Coach, my mission is to help women who are stressed out clear their deep-rooted blocks in a way that is proven,  effective and long-lasting, so that they can truly feel well and be able to function more healthily and optimally.  

I would like to be able to help you with what has worked for myself, my family and for many women from around the world.

Just imagine if nothing is standing in your way, what would life look like to you?

Would you feel a lot more free to be who you truly are, happier and more empowered to do the things you want to?

Would you be able to make money from the work that you love easily and effortlessly?

Would life be one of greater success, love and abundance? . 

I hope to assist you with a shift in your vibrational state, with a shift from anxiety and stress into calm and confidence.

My soul mission is to support you in your emotional and mental well-being, so that you can step up in confidence and be the best that you can be. 

“Love Is The Currency That Runs Along All Your Relationships – From Be It A Relationship With Your Spouse, Loved Ones, Success….And Also Money. Your Purpose Is To Transform These Relationships And Most Of All, Transform The Relationship You Have With Yourself With Self-Love."

How You Can Overcome Anxiety and Self-Doubt eBook

"The Heart of Manifesting Abundance
Starts with Unconditional Self-Love."

Success Stories

I love working with Evelyn because I received lots of new insights into healing my past, even on events that I have already been doing lots of healing work on.”

Bings Huang,
Energy Healer, Singapore www.bingshealinghands.me

I went from feeling desperate, anxious and miserable to manifesting an ideal job with a 33% pay jump just within 2 weeks of working with Evelyn. I am feeling more confident and aware about my potential than ever before.”

Susan Logan, United States HR Manager

I highly recommend any of the work that Evelyn does. It has been an absolute privilege to work with her.”

Julie Cumming, Australia

I love working with Evelyn because I received lots of new insights into healing my past, even on events that I have already been doing lots of healing work on.”

Bings Huang, 
Energy Healer, Singapore www.bingshealinghands.me

I went from feeling desperate, anxious and miserable to manifesting an ideal job with a 33% pay jump just within 2 weeks of working with Evelyn. I am feeling more confident and aware about my potential than ever before.”

Susan Logan,

United States
HR Manager

I highly recommend any of the work that Evelyn does. It has been an absolute privilege to work with her.”

Julie Cumming,


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Work on Your Next Breakthrough Right Away

  • Encountering self-doubt that you can't seem to overcome about reaching your goals?
  • Facing imposter syndrome, perfectionism or procrastination issues?
  • Would like to take your business to the next step but held back by your limiting beliefs? 
  • Having a poor relationship with yourself?
  • Experiencing relationship struggles? 

No matter what stage you’re in, you can choose to up-level or remain at where you are. 

And if you are interested to move up to the next level, I'd like us to be connected. 

I am interested to help you bridge the mental and emotional gap between where you are now and where you want to be.

“Let yourself be guided by a heart-centered coach who supports you in your dreams!”

I'd also be interested in supporting you in terms of mindset and marketing strategies if you aspire to start a coaching or healing business or have issues with getting your business off the ground.

I would like to help you with a roadmap to creating the mindset for abundance and business success, so that you can truly enjoy the work that you do and find greater freedom, fulfillment and fun!

Whether you need help with releasing anxiety and stress, clearing childhood traumas, attracting your vision, making a money breakthrough or setting yourself free from struggle and stress, I hope to be of assistance. Apply for a 30-min discovery session with me, so that you can find out more about working together >>>

Love and Abundance Always,

Transformation Life Coach for Women
Business Mentor for Women Entrepreneurs
(Coaches, Healers, Counsellors & Service-based Professionals)