
How to Move Into Action Now

It’s action that counts, not words, and we need action now! – So let’s just stop gabbing on about it! It’s completely pointless, and it’s getting us nowhere! – I agree! This is a complete waste of time!” — Monty Python, Life of Brian

take action
This article is contributed by Richard Lund, a reader to this blog.

How to Move into Action Now
by Richard Lund

Do you ever get stuck? Do you keep reading and researching and looking for answers, but even the most amazing insights don’t seem to make a difference in your life?

If this is the case, the answer may simply be: Action.

Take That First Step

Let me rewind a bit and tell you about someone I knew about 20 years ago. Looking back at this today, I have to imagine that he must have chosen this really challenging life for himself with some minor mental disabilities and a lot of loss in his immediate family. Somehow, we crossed paths, and after a while I started trying to help him with what little I had figured out about life back then.

I told him to try and find his strengths and do things he was good at. I had this model in my head of life being a long flight of stairs with a goal somewhere invisible but bright and beautiful at the upper end, and you would never reach it if you tried to skip steps. The only way to go was to take every single step one at a time. Each step is a symbol for a challenge, and once you conquer that challenge and can finally take that one step up, you would have that little extra boost of energy needed to go for the next step.

So that is what I tried to get him to do. I used inspiring speeches, examples, tried to make him see the good in himself. But he never changed and just kept coming back to me for more.

It wasn’t until years later that I realized what was going on. Someone else I met recently has a great word for it: A “Spiritual Tourist” – just passing through, picking up random things and information left and right, but never stopping to try anything.

One of the last things I told my friend from back then was: I taught you everything I know. Now it is your turn: DO. Just do.

Unfortunately, I don’t think he ever did. Over the span of 15 years, he continued working the same job (which he hated) and living in a tiny apartment that never saw a good cleaning and had actual pet droppings dried into the carpet (I slept there once…). He showed no signs of ambition to attempt change.

One day, I realized that it was not in my power to do anything lasting for him and that I was allowing him to drain my own energy whenever we met to the point where I did not like the person I was becoming after being with him. So with a heavy heart, I reduced the amount of time I spent with him.

Further Insights To Move Into Action

You can learn the most amazing things about yourself and life. You can study hundreds of books on self-help, spirituality, or health. You can find out everything there is to know about the source of all your problems. But the best knowledge does not make the slightest difference if it is not put into practice. It requires action.

But I get it – sometimes going into action seems like such an overwhelming task. “What if it doesn’t work?” “What if I don’t deserve happiness?” “But I’m such a failure…” Believe me, I’ve been there, too…

So here is what I just recently figured out: Before action comes a conscious decision.

Simply decide. Do not decide that you WILL take action (it will be too easy to talk yourself out of it later), but decide to take action NOW.

In my case, a simple affirmation usually does the trick:

“I want to feel good about myself, so I now hereby decide to feel good about myself right now! I will continue to feel good about myself because I choose to.”

And then immediately take action and put all your knowledge to good use. Do it now, do not wait. And do not let any doubts or fears stop you. When it comes down to it, you really have nothing to fear but fear itself, especially the one you create yourself. Don’t let it control you – instead, change your life just by making that one decision.

Begin to Love and Accept Yourself

Once you are ready for action, I recommend this article which coincidentally (yea, right…) was the one that brought me to this blog:How to Love Yourself in 17 Ways.

You will find plenty of ideas here that will give you a place to start – as long as you act on those ideas.

Here is another secret: Fear cannot exist around true and unconditional love. The more you increase your own love and acceptance for yourself, the less power fear has over you – and here we return back to the stairway, but not the way I imagined some 20 years ago: The steps can also be a measurement of your self-love. The higher up you are, the more energy you have to reach the next step and the closer you are to the top which is true unconditional love.

By the way, it’s absolutely OK never to reach the top.

Being anywhere on the stairs is better than not taking that first step. But don’t let that stop you from trying to go all the way, and do whatever it takes to take that one all important first step.

Don’t get stuck at the bottom – go into action!

About the Author

Richard Lund is not your typical Austrian born German raised emigrant to the US guy. He is a sensitive boy who grew up in a desensitized world and spent most of his life trying to make sense of it. And with the help of his wonderful and insightful wife, he’s getting closer every day.

Editor’s Comments

I agree with what Richard said about the need to make a decision if we are paralyzed by fear and therefore feeling stuck. Breaking up the big goal into smaller steps can help greatly. Admittedly, it is hard to move into action when we are experiencing some negative emotions around a particular issue. What has helped me is doing some emotional clearing work to overcome a “stuck” situation. Hence, if you are feeling stuck, you may want to look into releasing your emotions and shifting into a space of love and true power too.

Finally, I am also happy that Richard, a reader to this blog, decided to write to me about his thoughts and also to share tips on what have worked for him. If you would like to contribute an article, please refer to the submission guidelines. It does not matter even if you do not have a site. I will be happy to provide you with a platform – subject to the simple guidelines – to express yourself 🙂

Love and Abundance Always,

evelyn lim signature

Editor. Life Coach. Author.

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Valerie - October 31, 2013 Reply

Answers present themselves when we are ready to hear them. This is a great article. I’ve been on information overload. Now is the time for “action.” Sometimes simple solutions are the most effective.

I’m so glad I found this blog. I’ve already implemented some of the suggestions.

Thank you!


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